January 7, 2008

The 8th way to get bylines

Quill recently ran a story on "Seven Strategies for Getting Bylines," which I wrote. There are actually eight ways to get bylines, but one got edited out:

Study abroad.

Help out in a newspaper’s foreign bureau. Or look into writing for English publications in the foreign country.

“While the crunch on foreign news budgets may limit the amount of staff correspondent posts available, it presents a golden opportunity for upstart journalists,” said Jason Motlagh, a freelancer who’s reported from West Africa, the Caucasus and Haiti. “I’ve met many other full-time reporters who broke in simply by showing up at a far-flung bureau and asking to lend a hand.”

Sorry about the deletion, Jason -- you know how editors can be.

I'm sure y'all can think of more strategies for getting bylines. Please share your ideas in the comments section below.

-Professor Mark Grabowski

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