$10,000 contest for articles and blog posts
NewsCarnival.com is accepting original article and blog submissions for its $10,000 journalism contest.
The rules include: "All submissions must somehow relate to one or more of the following categories: Sex, Entertainment, Drugs, Politics, Science, Weird, Violence, or The Apocalypse. Do not send fiction or poetry. All articles must be written in English. This contest is open to the entire world. Please let us know if you reside outside of the U.S. Do not send us someone else’s work. We will do our very best to publicly shame plagiarists. Include your full legal name. You may use a pseudonym, but we must know your full legal name. Include your article’s title and the section in which it should be published in the subject of the email. Your article must appear in the body of the email. Do not send your article as an attachment. You may send a maximum of 5 submissions. We’ll let you know if we want more."
Entries must be sent between November 12th and December 12th, 2008. Email your submissions to Contest@NewsCarnival.com.
The rules include: "All submissions must somehow relate to one or more of the following categories: Sex, Entertainment, Drugs, Politics, Science, Weird, Violence, or The Apocalypse. Do not send fiction or poetry. All articles must be written in English. This contest is open to the entire world. Please let us know if you reside outside of the U.S. Do not send us someone else’s work. We will do our very best to publicly shame plagiarists. Include your full legal name. You may use a pseudonym, but we must know your full legal name. Include your article’s title and the section in which it should be published in the subject of the email. Your article must appear in the body of the email. Do not send your article as an attachment. You may send a maximum of 5 submissions. We’ll let you know if we want more."
Entries must be sent between November 12th and December 12th, 2008. Email your submissions to Contest@NewsCarnival.com.
Labels: articles, blog, bloggers, blogging, journalism_contest, NewsCarnival.com
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