Paid internships @ D.C. wire service

Internships typically run from mid-May to early August; but dates are flexible. Pay is $12-plus an hour. No housing provided but every effort is made to help interns find suitable housing.
Typical duties include covering press conferences and Capitol Hill briefings, doing phone interviews and writing breaking news and feature stories. Main focus will be national news, but will help out occasionally on international desk and photo desk, in library/archives and with weekly and biweekly publications CNS produces, including Origins. Opportunities to use Spanish skills. Some evening/weekend assignments. Knowledge about the Catholic Church and interest in religion news helpful, but not required.
Application deadline is mid-February. For more information contact Julie Asher at (202) 541-3266. E-mail resume and clips to; or write to her at: CNS, 3211 Fourth St. NE, Washington DC 20017-1100. CNS's web site is at:
Labels: Catholic_News_Service, CNS, DC, paid_internship, Summer_2009, summer_internships, Washington, wire_service
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