Paid internships @ NY Dailly News

"Interns receive individual news and feature assignments as well as assist staff writers on reporting major breaking news stories for our newspaper and website," the news editor said. "There are reporting/writing positions on the main city desk in Manhattan and in the three borough offices: Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn. Positions are available seven days a week and we’ll set a schedule around your school and/or work hours. College juniors and seniors and grad students preferred."
In the summer months only, the Daily News has a limited number of positions that come with a $350/week (or $70/day) stipend. The positions are full-time reporting/writing internships that run 10 to 12 weeks long. There is one sports position and six or seven city desk/news positions. These positions are extremely competitive and have increasingly gone to graduate students. The deadline is February 1.
Unpaid/for-credit positions are available for the spring and fall semesters -- as well as over the summer. Students must get credit to qualify and usually must commit to two days a week (more is welcome). There is a rolling deadline.
E-mail resume, links or PDFfs of clips, and letter to John Oswald, News Editor, at or send your application to: John Oswald, News Editor, New York Daily News, City Desk/3rd floor, 450 W. 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001.
Labels: fall_2009, John_Oswald, New_York_Daily_News, New_York_Daily_News_internships, paid_internship, Spring_2009, Summer_2009
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