Paid multimedia internships @ NY Times

One is a multimedia internship and the other two are online news internships. "All three internships offer the rare, up-close opportunity to work with some of the best online journalists in the nation’s best newsroom," according to the recruiter. Internships are full-time, last up to four months and pay $812 per week.
Multimedia interns assist in the production of photos, graphics, audio and video for the website. Tasks include producing multimedia features with audio and photographs, developing interactive features with Flash, and archiving and research for both breaking news events and enterprise stories.
Online news interns produce articles, photos and multimedia for The New York Times on the Web, as well as helping to put together the online presence for larger news packages and enterprise projects
The internships are available during the fall, spring and summer. The deadlines are summer: Feb. 15, fall: Aug. 15, and spring: Nov. 15.
Applicants should apply online at: In the search field, enter the word "internship."
Or, clips and resumes may be sent to: "Digital Newsroom Internship", c/o Brenda Pullman, recruiting specialist,, 620 Eighth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10018.
Labels: multimedia, New_York, New_York_Times_internship, New_York_Times_On_The_Web, online_journalism, paid_internship
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