January 3, 2009

Political journalism jobs & internships

CubReporters.org now features a page on Political Journalism that lists journalism jobs, internships and fellowships related to politics.

Among the opportunities you'll find on the page is a little-known paid internship: The Pennsylvania Legislative Correspondents Association offers a 12-week paid summer internship covering state politics in the capital, Harrisburg. The intern is paid $500 per week and rotates among the Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Allentown Morning Call and other newspapers.

The program is somewhat esoteric. You probably won't find it doing a Google search. But I know it exists because I used to cover the PA statehouse. And last year's intern blogged about his internship experience. The association holds a dinner each year to help fund the internship. Your best bet is to call or e-mail one of the association's officers.

-Mark Grabowski

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