April 1, 2009

Paid journalism internships in NY, DC and SF

College students and recent graduates can apply for paid 12-week internships in New York, Washington and San Francisco. Internships provide a $2,000 stipend and are available in the fall and summer.

The Media Consortium, a network of over 40 independent media outlets, including The Nation, Talking Points Memo, The American Prospect, Link TV, Air America and Mother Jones, is sponsoring this new internship program and it will place interns in its members' newsrooms.

"Interns will complete one or more major editorial projects, have weekly duties (including fact-checking, research, writing and media production) and meet with top editors and reporters for mentoring sessions," the announcement states.

Four internships are available for the summer program (May 18-August 14) and another four are available for the fall program (September 14-December 11).

Applicants must have a minimum of 3 years of college or have completed undergrad or grad school within the last year. Applications are being accepted for both semesters; the deadline for the summer program is April 9. Apply online.

Location: New York, New York

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