January 27, 2012

Sports reporter job @ weekly newspaper near Albany, NY

The Ballston Journal, a small weekly newspaper about 30 minutes from Albany, N.Y., is seeking a sports reporter.

Job involves reporting on a wide variety of sports-related topics including but not limited to high school sports, community sports events (5k runs, charity events, etc), sports stories involving area natives (College athletes, Olympic hopefuls etc.)

Maintain and participate actively with multiple social media profiles (twitter/facebook). Provide relevant photos and videos for the print edition of the paper as well as the online website.

Knowledge of a variety of sports, ability to attend games and meets, home and away. Requires excellent writing capabilities and mastery of the English language and AP Style techniques. Basic photography or video editing experiences a plus. The ideal candidate will continuously develop new ideas for features, segments, media, and social networking.

MUST BE SARATOGA COUNTY BASED! Please, we are not looking for candidates from out of our immediate coverage area...job requires no less than 6 months prior experience in a newsroom as a Sport associate.

Please forward resume with two writing samples and a sports photo attention: Angela McFarland, Publisher, at jpublisher[at]theballstonjournal.com. Video resumes are invited.

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