Paid spring internships @ The Nation

Interns typically check facts and conduct research in addition to performing administrative work.
One intern in the New York City office works as the Web Intern. This position requires an interest and understanding of online media in addition to news judgment, fact-checking and copy-editing skills. The position also entails updating's Newsfeed, which requires a wide reading of news on the web and the ability to pick stories of high integrity and reader interest from a variety of blogs.
An additional position is available in The Nation's Washington, D.C. office. This intern works closely with the magazine's Washington editor, attending press conferences and Congressional hearings as well as conducting research and providing clerical assistance.
The Spring 2009 session begins January 5 and ends May 22. There are ten intern positions during each session (nine in New York and one in Washington; two of the New York positions are web-based). There is a $150/week stipend.
The deadline for postmarked applications is November 2, 2008.
Labels: journalism_internships, magazine_journalism, multimedia, New_York, paid_internship, political_journalism, Spring_2009, The_Nation, Washington
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