Paid internships @ Chicago Public Radio

"The News Cast intern receives mentoring and training from editors, anchors, reporters, and news producers to help generate content for drive time local newscasts," the ad states. "Interns will have the opportunity to cover press conferences, write spot news scripts, and gather audio that will be broadcast during our morning and afternoon local newscasts. Interns will also be involved with researching, contacting news sources, fact checking, as well as posting news content to the Web site. As part of their final project, interns may have to opportunity to produce a news feature. "
Internships are available year-round. Application Deadlines are: December 5 for a Winter internship starting in January; January 30 for a Spring internship starting in March; and March 27, 2009 for a summer Internship starting in May or June.
Email: to request an application or download one at:
Labels: broadcast_journalism, Chicago, Chicago_Public_Radio, paid_internship, radio_journalism, WBEZ_91.5_FM
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