UK Student Photographer of the Year contest

Here's how it works: Penguin Books is looking for a new image to feature on the cover of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, a highly-acclaimed bestselling book that documented detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment, particularly on birds.
Contest entrants must submit a photograph that captures the significance of this book’s subject: the human destruction of our environment. And the image must be shot on Fujifilm Professional film and must fit the book jacket layout. Images must be taken between 1 September 2008 and 28 February 2009.
There's no fee to apply and the deadline is February 28. The winner will receive 200 pounds worth of free film along with the "Student Photographer of the Year" title. Apply online.
Labels: environmental-journalism, Fujifilm_Student_Photographer_of_the_Year, journalism_awards, journalism_contest, journalism_prizes, photographer, photography, photojournalism, UK, United_Kingdom
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