February 23, 2012

Assistant editor job @ Sailing magazine in Wisconsin

SAILING, a 45,000-circulation monthly magazine about sailing, is seeking an assistant editor to work in its Port Washington, Wisc. headquarters.

The assistant editor will work with other staff editors to produce this national magazine (published 10 times per year) about the sport of sailing. Job duties include managing and coordinating magazine departments, working with freelance writers, editing all editorial copy in the magazine, producing feature stories, occasionally writing stories for the magazine and more.

 Candidates should have a bachelor's degree (preferably in journalism or English), some knowledge of sailing and be enthusiastic about the sport, editing experience, knowledge of AP style and good computer skills (preferably with Mac computers; Adobe CS experience a plus). They should also be self starters who are willing to learn on the job and work with staff located in and out of the office.

This job could be full- or part-time depending on the applicant. Please send a cover letter, resume and writing samples to erin[at]sailingmagazine.net.

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