Journalism internships @ Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor, a Boston-based international newspaper published daily online and weekly in print, offers year-round journalism internships.
Interns have an opportunity for hands-on experience in a range of departments - the US and world news desks, the op-ed section, and various features areas. Activities may include writing short items for the paper or website, doing research, and assisting the photo and graphics departments. It may also include some everyday office-management tasks. At the discretion of the editors, interns can assist with editing and contacting correspondents and contributors, as well as reporting their own stories. Some may work on special web projects.
Multi-media experience such as flash/action and audio/video-editing skills are a significant plus. Generally, the minimum time requirement for paid or academic-credit internships is 35 hours a week.
Applications for fall internships are due July 15. For the winter/spring semester, apply by Oct. 15. Summer internship apps are due Jan. 1. To apply, send a resume, cover letter, and clips to: Internship Coordinator, The Christian Science Monitor, 210 Massachusetts Avenue -- P02-30, Boston, MA 02115
Interns have an opportunity for hands-on experience in a range of departments - the US and world news desks, the op-ed section, and various features areas. Activities may include writing short items for the paper or website, doing research, and assisting the photo and graphics departments. It may also include some everyday office-management tasks. At the discretion of the editors, interns can assist with editing and contacting correspondents and contributors, as well as reporting their own stories. Some may work on special web projects.
Multi-media experience such as flash/action and audio/video-editing skills are a significant plus. Generally, the minimum time requirement for paid or academic-credit internships is 35 hours a week.
Applications for fall internships are due July 15. For the winter/spring semester, apply by Oct. 15. Summer internship apps are due Jan. 1. To apply, send a resume, cover letter, and clips to: Internship Coordinator, The Christian Science Monitor, 210 Massachusetts Avenue -- P02-30, Boston, MA 02115
Labels: Boston_journalism_internships, Christian_Science_Monitor_internships, newspaper-internships, online_media_internships, paid_internship, political_journalism
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